Saturday, June 20, 2009

Follow yuh Bloodc*@#t Mind

Good Morning,

I'm probably going to lose some readers over this one. Well I might but today we are going to go over seven instances in life where you should follow that little voice in the back of your head. Decent folks would say "follow your intuition" but today I say "Follow yuh bloodclaat mind". Let's go, feel free to join in and leave your comments.

1] If you're walking down a road and a dark tinted car pulls alongside you.
Follow yuh bloodclaat mind and run.

2] If you suspect that your friend is sleeping with your man.
Follow yuh bloodclaat mind and investigate.

3] If you suspect that your credit card might be maxed out.
Follow yuh bloodclaat mind and check first OR just don't go to the cashier *avoid embarrassment*

4] If you suspect that your dunce ass does not know how to use an atm machine.
Follow yuh bloodclaat mind and ask someone outside for help but DON'T have a soup line of people waiting on you to do a balance inquiry.

5] If you suspect that even though your friends tell you the dress looks good it doesn't quite fit.
Follow yuh bloodclaat mind and don't wear it. Better to repeat a outfit than to look like two pigs fighting under your dress. (got that from steel magnolias)

6] If you think your breath stink
Follow yuh bloodclaat mind and grab a mint, brush a tooth. DO something

Last but by no means least...

7] If you suspect he/she doesn't love you
Follow yuh bloodclaat mind and deal wid it. Sooner rather than later

Over and Out,



k.reid said...

lil big head brother say that i like this dunce people follow unna b-claat mind.

QuickBrownFox said...

Good advice Mamachel!

I can't tell the number of times i kicked myself for not following my own bl00cl@t mind...

Anonymous said...

classic rant...*dwl* talk di tings dem!