Hey Guys,
There are certain songs that you can claim as part of the soundtrack to your life. To me "Harder they come" the song AND the movie was a lesson on how to dream big but also a cautionary tale on letting the dream consume you. I can't tell you how many times I've drawn for this song on a rough day or on a good day even. To me it's the ultimate hustlers' anthem and it's that one song that speaks to my soul because no matter what I go through I've never doubted that I'm going to make it. I hope you can get into the vibe of the song. My throwback Friday choice is "Harder they come" - Jimmy Cliff
*Now could someone please go light a spliff for me? !
Faith & Love ,
Mamachel ... Follow me @mamachell
Chel, you really do it again. It doesn't get much better than this for an old school joint. I'd say that you hit the sweet spot gurl!!
I just saw this video for the FIRST time when I was out last night! Big tune for real!
woosah! love this song mama, one of my favs as well. FOund you through a retweet on twitter and now I'm your newest follower (here and there lol).
Also follow my blogs.
1. http://climbreachachieve.blogspot.com - as the name suggests, this one is inspirational and motivates one to always strive for greatness.
2. http://stu-dentdiaries.com - this one is plain me, as a student, everyday life. fun stuff.
Very nice blog here mama.
Well, I like the song. I like the idea too. I may post a song that I consider to be the soundtrack of my life, if I can think of one. :)
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