Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year ... New Tings ??

Hey Folks,

Everywhere I turn everyone is wishing me a Happy New Year!!! Unfortunately, many are not feeling a happy new year. Many are still haunted by last years disappointments and failures. Fear not!! With the start of a New Year there is the possibility of starting over. There is the promise of righting wrongs and fixing relationships. Fresh off the skirt tails of Christmas, New Years usually finds people still in a giving and forgiving mood. Now that the Year has started we have to go back to the real world and remember that everything is not candy cane covered.

No one wants to go back to work or to face those problems that were temporarily paused for the season. However, Mamachel says face this year head on and do not look on all the bad. Not only do we go back to the bad, but we get to go back to the Good and even better the possibility of good. A New Year means back to work but also the possibility to get a raise or promotion. Yes we might go back to failed relationships but at least we have the choice to move on. And for those with failed business ventures this year you have the chance to learn from last years mistakes and get it right this time.

This year will be filled with enough problems and trials and tribulations do we really need to bring forth the crosses from last year into 2007? I think not. And while Mamachel have somethings to write about that took place over the holidays I promise you that once I write about them I will let them go and think positive .. I will.. I promise..

And remember if you need advice or someone to obsess over your problems with before letting them go for the new year contact me at mamadvice@yahoo.com

Peace, Love and Prosperity,

Mamachel '07

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said mamachel. Kudos 2 u on dart one. I so agree with all that u have said.